Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#1083 closed defect (invalid)

The number of candModeLists in PU::getIntraMPMs of UnitTools.cpp is different from the number in JVET_R2001_V10.docx

Reported by: annci Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: VTM Version:
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


The number of candModeLists in PU::getIntraMPMs of UnitTools.cpp is six, but the number is five in JVET_R2001_V10.docx.

Change history (2)

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by biaowang

It is another way of implementation for the special intra_luma_not_planar_flag and five MPM.
The codeword of 6 MPM index and the combination of intra_luma_not_planar_flag and 5 MPM are the same. You can refer to the following table.

intra_luma_not_planar_flag 5 MPM idx 5 MPM idx codeword combination (6 MPM idx codeword) mode
0 0 Planar
1 0 0 10
1 1 10 110
1 2 110 1110
1 3 1110 11110
1 4 1111 11111

Planar mode is always put in the first entry in a 6 MPM in original proposal (JVET-N0185).
Because of this, it can be considered as a special intra_luma_not_planar_flag.
When the current mode is planar mode, intra_luma_not_planar_flag is zero.
It can also be considered idx 0 (the first entry) of a 6 MPM is used to derive the intra mode.

The decision of such a conversion can be found in meeting note of JVET-N_Notes_dF.docx:

"Different from the proposal, it is suggested to remove the planar mode from the MPM list and code it as a separate context-coded flag before the MPM list (with the 5 remaining entries, all
bypass coded). This is purely editorial, no change in the bitstream."

comment:2 Changed 5 years ago by fbossen

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