Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#70 closed defect (invalid)

Typos in VVC D2 v4

Reported by: vdrugeon Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: 360Lib Version: VVC D2 v4
Keywords: Cc: vzakharc, yuwenhe, jvet@…


Here is a list of some more typos and small issues that I found:

In section, when generating the reference samples p, there is a typo in step 1 "the reference samples refUnfilt[ x ][ y ] with x = −1, y = −1 refH − 1 and x = 0..refW − 1, y = −1 as output" where the ".." are missing for y=-1..refH-1.

In section "The refW + refH − 1 neighbouring samples refUnfilt[ x ][ y ] that are constructed samples prior to the in-loop filter process, with x = −1, y = −1..refH − 1 and x = 0..refW − 1, y = −1": there are refW + refH + 1 samples.

In section, the outputs are currently listed as one of the inputs. They should be listed separately.

In section step 3 "the value of refUnfilt[ x ][ y ] is set equal to p the value of refUnfilt[ x − 1 ][ y ]", the "p" before the "the value of" should be removed.

In section at the end when p[x][y] is derived, equation (8-23) sets pF[x][-1] instead of p[x][-1].

In section 8.2.2, cbWidth and cbHeight should be added as inputs to the process.

General question about the order in which inputs to a process are listed (it may not be important):
In some processes, an array is needed as input together with its size, as for example in process
Inputs to this process are:
– reference samples refUnfilt[ x ][ y ] with x = −1, y = −1..refH − 1 and x = 0..refW − 1, y = −1 for intra sample prediction,
– a variable refW specifying the reference samples width,
– a variable refH specifying the reference samples height,
Would it make more sense to list the size of the array BEFORE listing the array? Otherwise the first input contains two variables (in the example above refH and refW) that are defined afterwards.

Change history (1)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by vdrugeon

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

Really sorry, it was meant as a "spec" ticket, not as a "360Lib" ticket

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