Custom query (1414 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1100 of 1414)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1448 Typo in section C.6 General sub-bitstream extraction process defect minor spec
#1159 Typo in semantics of gci_one_au_only_constraint_flag defect minor spec
#989 Typo in semantics of run_copy_flag on palette mode defect minor spec
#972 Typo in semantics of slice_explicit_scaling_list_used_flag defect minor spec
#1181 Typo in semantics of vps_default_ptl_dpb_hrd_max_tid_flag defect minor VVC D10 spec
#1248 Typo in slice header syntax defect minor spec
#1249 Typo in slice header syntax defect minor spec
#1432 Typo in the semantics of gci_one_slice_per_pic_constraint_flag defect minor spec
#172 Typo in tileIdx range for NumCtusInTile defect minor spec
#457 Typo in variable for PicOutputHeightL defect minor spec
#1219 Typo in variable name ( defect minor spec
#1196 Typo in variable names defect minor spec
#1388 Typo in vps_ols_dpb_bitdepth_minus8 semantics defect trivial spec
#1557 Typo in writing ContentColourVolume SEI defect minor VTM-16.1 VTM
#984 Typo in writing Deblocking Cb, Cr Beta and Tc offsets in PictureHeader defect minor VTM-8.1 VTM
#1386 Typo near equation (90) in JVET-S2001-vH defect minor VVC D10 spec
#413 Typo of BdpcmFlag defect minor spec
#1111 Typo of CpbRemovalDelayDeltaMinus1 in C.2.3 defect minor VVC D10 spec
#932 Typo of abs_level_gtx_flag in Table 131 defect minor spec
#1380 Typo of alf_ctb_cc_cb_idc in defect minor spec
#1381 Typo of alf_ctb_cc_cr_idc in defect minor spec
#933 Typo of par_level_flag in defect minor spec
#638 Typo of pps variable in picture header defect trivial spec
#847 Typo of signaling condition for chroma intra prediction mode (cclm_mode_{flag,idx}, intra_chroma_pred_mode) in WD defect minor spec
#945 Typo of slice_cc_alf_cr_enabled_flag, alf_ctb_cc_cr_idc and alf_ctb_flag defect minor spec
#640 Typo of slice_chroma_residual_scale_flag in defect minor spec
#1128 Typo of variable in scaling list data semantics defect minor spec
#1061 Typo of vps_max_sublayers_minus1 in formula (40) defect minor spec
#1276 Typo of xIntL, yIntL, xFracL, and yFracL defect minor spec
#625 Typo on chroma intra predicion for CIIP defect minor spec
#449 Typo on pred_mode_plt_flag signaling condition defect minor spec
#823 Typo on reserved_constraint_bytes defect minor spec
#1560 Typo re "maxTbSize" defect minor spec
#905 Typo sps_idr_rpl_flag in defect trivial spec
#1486 Typo: 'partitioining' defect minor spec
#320 Typos defect trivial VVC D5 v9 spec
#383 Typos defect minor spec
#511 Typos defect minor spec
#590 Typos and duplicates in spec defect minor spec
#591 Typos and minor issues in HRD related text defect minor spec
#623 Typos and undefined variables in ACT related text defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#765 Typos and undefined variables in Derivation process for motion vectors and reference indices in subblock merge mode defect minor spec
#865 Typos and variable fixes in palette related text defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#971 Typos in 6.5.1 CTB raster scanning, tile scanning, and subpicture scanning processes defect minor spec
#444 Typos in and defect minor spec
#878 Typos in (slice header) defect minor spec
#1311 Typos in defect minor spec
#1313 Typos in defect minor spec
#1329 Typos in defect minor spec
#1331 Typos in defect minor spec
#1332 Typos in defect minor spec
#1334 Typos in 8.5.8 defect minor spec
#1344 Typos in defect minor spec
#1350 Typos in defect minor spec
#1364 Typos in IBC text defect minor spec
#376 Typos in ISP defect minor VVC D6 vD spec
#369 Typos in JVET-O2001 defect minor spec
#975 Typos in JVET-Q2001-vE defect minor spec
#1056 Typos in JVET-R2001-v8: and Table 51/126/131 defect minor spec
#1199 Typos in Section defect minor spec
#1315 Typos in Section defect minor spec
#1318 Typos in Section defect minor spec
#1316 Typos in Sections and Section defect minor spec
#1278 Typos in Table 127 defect minor spec
#1232 Typos in VPS semantics defect minor spec
#71 Typos in VVC D2 v4 bbross defect minor VVC D2 v5 spec
#90 Typos in copying the control point vectors to temporal notion vectors defect minor VVC D2 v6 spec
#894 Typos in deblocking filter specification defect minor spec
#825 Typos in equation 62 defect minor spec
#1533 Typos in initValue/shiftIdx Tables defect minor spec
#751 Typos in inter-layer related text defect minor spec
#1272 Typos in residual_ts_coding( ) defect minor spec
#838 Typos in section (decision process for chroma block edges) defect minor spec
#592 Typos in semantics of amvr_precision_idx defect minor spec
#598 Typos in subpictures related text defect minor spec
#914 Typos in syntax of coding tree ( defect minor spec
#915 Typos in syntax of coding unit ( defect minor spec
#578 Typos in syntax of residual coding defect minor spec
#998 Typos in the derivation of neighbouring luma samples of CCLM defect minor spec
#580 Typos in variable names in General defect minor spec
#581 Typos of filter coefficients array for CCLM defect minor spec
#824 Typos on dpb_output_delay defect minor spec
#881 Typos related to VPS layers and scaling offset defect minor spec
#1503 Unchecked unsupported combination of TransformSkip and TSRCRicePresent defect minor VTM-14.0 VTM
#723 Unclear variable sbBdofFlag in General defect minor spec
#596 Unclear variables dmvrFlag and sbBdofFlag in General defect minor spec
#1493 Unclear variables in for split_cu_flag defect minor spec
#355 Undefined Behavior Sanitizer : multiple errors (encoding / decoding) defect minor VTM-16.0 VTM
#1119 Undefined HRD syntax elements and variables yk defect minor spec
#1208 Undefined array fL ( defect minor spec
#1379 Undefined behaviour when pps_rpl1_idx_present_flag == 0, and sps_num_ref_pic_lists[0] > sps_num_ref_pic_lists[1] defect minor spec
#277 Undefined semantic slice_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag defect minor spec
#274 Undefined variable sGxGym and sGxGys in spec defect minor VVC D5 v8 spec
#599 Undefined variables CurPicHeightInSamplesY and CurPicWidthInSamplesY defect minor spec
#1139 Undefined variables in defect minor spec
#833 Undefined yCtb in (JVET-Q2001-v9) defect minor spec
#1348 Uninitialized availability flags in Section defect minor spec
#1351 Uninitialized predFlagLXConstK in Section defect minor spec
#635 Uninitialized variables are being used in the latest master (b0a1f053d97b439c6ae55b5d3171fc8e0f584f8c) defect minor VTM
#775 Unintended parsing dependency in subpicture level information SEI defect minor spec
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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