Custom query (1414 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1100 of 1414)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#817 missing MER check in in VVC D8 v7 (JVET-Q2001-v7) defect minor spec
#819 cMax error for merge_gpm_partition_idx[ ][ ] defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#823 Typo on reserved_constraint_bytes defect minor spec
#824 Typos on dpb_output_delay defect minor spec
#825 Typos in equation 62 defect minor spec
#826 Duplicated inference rules on pic_disable_dmvr_flag and pic_disable_prof_flag defect minor spec
#827 Missing an inference condition on slice_rpl_sps_flag[i] defect minor spec
#828 typo of sps_independent_subpics_flag defect minor spec
#829 Wrong variable name in equation 1047 defect minor spec
#830 Typo in defect minor spec
#832 missing parentheses in eq. (1036) and (1051) (version JVET-Q2001-v9) defect minor spec
#833 Undefined yCtb in (JVET-Q2001-v9) defect minor spec
#834 Some inferred value from JVET-Q0420 are not integrated into JVET-Q2001-v9 defect minor spec
#835 lmcs enabled flag need to be updated in decoding process defect minor spec
#836 Variables in rectangular slice map initialization defect minor spec
#837 Misplaced parentheses in long deblocking filter defect minor spec
#838 Typos in section (decision process for chroma block edges) defect minor spec
#839 Typo in equation 1226 (Residual modification process) defect minor spec
#841 typo in semantics of slice_scaling_list_present_flag defect minor spec
#843 pps_ref_pic_list_sps_idc is not defined, but used in ref_pic_lists() defect minor spec
#844 On PictureOutputFlag setting defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#845 Issue on modeTypeCondition derivation defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#847 Typo of signaling condition for chroma intra prediction mode (cclm_mode_{flag,idx}, intra_chroma_pred_mode) in WD defect minor spec
#848 PicRplsIdx[i] used but not defined defect minor spec
#849 Geo Prediction Mode - Mismatch between text and SW defect minor spec
#850 issue in the definition of max_num_merge_cand_minus_max_num_gpm_cand defect minor spec
#852 Issue in the definition of six_minus_max_num_ibc_merge_cand defect minor spec
#854 Wrong close brace place in residual_ts_coding() defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#855 Bug in Table 131 defect minor VVC D10 spec
#857 Mismatch between spec and VTM in derivation of coding sub-block boundaries defect minor spec
#858 Missing close brace and conditions in palette_coding () defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#859 JVET-Q0089 - TS residual coding disabled with dependent quantization defect minor spec
#860 parameter setting in subpic sub-bitstream extraction is not correct defect minor spec
#861 typo in semantics of subpic_treated_as_pic_flag defect minor spec
#865 Typos and variable fixes in palette related text defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#874 ltrp_in_slice_header_flag not defined defect minor VTM-8.0 spec
#878 Typos in (slice header) defect minor spec
#881 Typos related to VPS layers and scaling offset defect minor spec
#882 WPP vs. entropy coding sync naming defect minor spec
#883 restriction for nesting_num_subpics_minus1 should be modified defect minor spec
#884 ph_cc_alf_cb_aps_id and ph_cc_alf_cr_aps_id miss TemporalId constraint defect minor spec
#887 SW/Spec mismatch on CclmEnable defect minor spec
#888 typo in Use of the frame-field information SEI message defect minor spec
#890 Inconsistency in weighted pred flags values in case wp_info_in_ph_flag = 1 defect minor spec
#893 TYPO in the semantics of max_num_merge_cand_minus_max_num_gpm_cand defect minor spec
#894 Typos in deblocking filter specification defect minor spec
#895 Possible issue in syntax of transform_tree defect minor spec
#896 Possible issue in equation (81) defect minor spec
#898 Mismatch with VTM for inference rule of slice_height_in_tiles_minus1 defect minor spec
#900 SW and SW mismatch on parsing condition of lfnst_idx defect minor spec
#901 Typo in ACT inverse conversion defect minor spec
#903 Issues in Subpicture sub-bitstream extraction process defect minor spec
#905 Typo sps_idr_rpl_flag in defect trivial spec
#906 typo for number of extra SH bits defect trivial spec
#907 output_flag_present_flag semantic defect trivial spec
#908 Maximum number of PH wpred weights defect minor spec
#909 Alignment of sps_independent_subpics_flag with the decision from the meeting notes defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#910 Missing braces in num_ref_idx_active_override_flag condition defect minor spec
#914 Typos in syntax of coding tree ( defect minor spec
#915 Typos in syntax of coding unit ( defect minor spec
#916 Issues with list of inputs when invoking interpolation processes defect minor spec
#920 Redundancy processing on qPY_PREV derivation defect minor spec
#921 A typo in equation 87 defect trivial spec
#925 confusing range of sps_log2_diff_min_qt_min_cb_intra_slice_chroma and ph_log2_diff_min_qt_min_cb_intra_slice_chroma defect minor spec
#926 JEVT-Q0505: Scaling list prediction from non-existent chroma lists defect minor spec
#930 mismatch between software and spec. on the maximum number of merge candidates in picture header defect minor spec
#931 Incorrect table reference in defect minor spec
#932 Typo of abs_level_gtx_flag in Table 131 defect minor spec
#933 Typo of par_level_flag in defect minor spec
#934 Potential issue in determining vertical luma interpolation filter coefficients task minor spec
#935 mionor editorial issue in Luma sample interpolation filtering process francoise defect minor spec
#936 Mismatch between SW and spec on context initialization defect minor spec
#938 HMVP candidate indexing bug in and defect minor spec
#939 Incorrect ctxIdx value of residual syntaces in 9.3. defect minor spec
#940 Potential issue in the range of MaxNumGpmMergeCand defect minor spec
#942 refWraparoundEnabledFlag miss-aligned between inputs of and defect minor spec
#943 JVET-Q0346: Non-existent scaling list default matrix defect minor spec
#945 Typo of slice_cc_alf_cr_enabled_flag, alf_ctb_cc_cr_idc and alf_ctb_flag defect minor spec
#946 Minor editorial modification in 8.4.2. defect minor spec
#948 typo in PPS definition defect trivial spec
#949 typo in picture_header_in_slice_header_flag semantic defect trivial spec
#950 NumSubLayersInLayerInOLS derivation defect minor spec
#951 Issue on intra_subpartitions_split_flag defect minor spec
#953 sps_num_lasdf_inrervals_minus2 in Versatile Video Coding (Draft 8) is different with VTM source defect minor spec
#955 Redundant condition on DBF maxFilterLength derivation defect minor VVC D10 spec
#956 Spec bug in the definition of the A0 saptial merge candidate defect minor spec
#957 Factor SubWidthC used with scaling_win_top_offset? task minor spec
#958 ph_rpl_idx and slice_rpl_idx? defect minor spec
#960 typo in bitstream conformance requirement defect trivial spec
#962 Typo in defect minor spec
#963 Typo in defect minor spec
#964 Issues in semantics of picture timing SEI message defect minor spec
#965 Missing opening brace in scaling_list_data syntax defect minor spec
#967 typo in Subpicture sub-bitstream extraction process defect trivial spec
#968 typo on VclAssociatedSeiList and PicUnitRepConSeiList defect trivial spec
#969 Typo in defect minor spec
#970 Small typo in SEI related text defect minor spec
#971 Typos in 6.5.1 CTB raster scanning, tile scanning, and subpicture scanning processes defect minor spec
#972 Typo in semantics of slice_explicit_scaling_list_used_flag defect minor spec
#973 Missing inputs when invoking process defect minor spec
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