Custom query (1413 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 1413)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1243 Motion discontinuities, Geo mode and deblocking ( defect minor spec
#271 Motion vector rounding: tiny contradiction between N0335 integration and the meeting decision defect minor spec
#1354 Motion vector storage for GPM mode defect minor spec
#1369 Motion vector wrapping with AMVR defect minor spec
#1073 MotionModelIdc undefined when cu_affine_type_flag is not present defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1148 Multiple bugs in preceding IRAP, GDR pictures and subpictures defect minor VTM
#363 Multiplication Overflow in ALF Classification defect minor VTM-6.0 VTM
#664 Mutiple slices/tiles is not working defect major VTM-7.0 VTM
#234 N0196 – Six tap interpolation filter for affine prediction defect minor VTM-5.0 VTM
#235 N0280 – Transform Skip Residual Coding defect minor VTM
#237 N0413 – DPCM Reference Sample Filtering defect minor VTM-5.0 VTM
#1394 NALread.cpp convertPayloadToRBSP not called correctly defect minor VTM-11.2 VTM
#1604 NNPFC SEI constraints related to frame-rate upsampling purpose are not reached defect minor VTM-21.0 VTM
#1616 NNPFC SEI nnpfc_chroma_sample_loc_type_frame value is checked even when not signalled defect minor VTM
#200 NULL-pointer crash of VTM 4.0.1rc1 in HDR config after JVET_M0428_ENC_DB_OPT integration defect critical VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#1019 Naming of same_qp_table_for_chroma defect trivial spec
#1479 Need a bracket or else in D.2.1 defect minor VUI/SEI
#1602 Need clearification for 8.4.3 Derivation process for chroma intra prediction mode defect major spec
#15 New VS work spaces enhancement minor HM-16.6-JEM-3.0 JEM
#1464 Non-conforming values of sn_subpic_id_len_minus1 defect minor VTM
#401 Not aligned right bracket after pred_mode_plt_flag defect minor spec
#769 Not matched names between pps_joint_cbcr_qp_offset_value in syntax table/semantics and pps_joint_cbcr_qp_offset in eq.(1124) enhancement trivial spec
#1028 NumEntryPoints in R0481 defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#950 NumSubLayersInLayerInOLS derivation defect minor spec
#630 Number of indices of transform_skip_flag defect minor spec
#593 Number of inputs when invoking process General defect minor spec
#601 Number of inputs when invoking process General defect minor spec
#594 Number of outputs when invoking process Derivation process for pairwise average merging candidate defect minor spec
#1399 OLS_A_Tencent_2: Bad DPB parameters defect minor Conformance
#844 On PictureOutputFlag setting defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#377 On merge data syntax defect minor VVC D6 vD spec
#587 One remaining PPS virtual boundary semantic defect trivial spec
#1197 Order of operations in Eq 251 defect minor spec
#1213 Order of operations in Eq 352 defect minor spec
#1362 Order of operations in LMCS equations defect minor spec
#1287 Order of operations in Table 127 defect minor spec
#1216 Out of bounds array access ( defect minor spec
#523 Out ouf bounds access in EncLib::xInitRPL() defect minor VTM
#1532 Outdated VUI parameters (vui_UHD_PQ, vui_HD.cfg ) defect trivial VTM-16.0 VTM
#533 Output of process defect minor spec
#1515 Overflow in ALF derivation process when bitdepth > 10 defect minor VTM-15.0 VTM
#1453 Overflow in RPR scaling calculation defect minor VTM-12.0 VTM
#744 Overflow in joint Cb/Cr transform defect minor VTM-7.2 VTM
#1409 Overflow processing 16 bit sequences if JVET_R0351_HIGH_BIT_DEPTH_ENABLED is not set defect minor VTM
#662 P0154 - Overflow in SIMD PROF defect minor VTM
#687 P1034 - Wrap around in scaling list coding defect minor spec
#1103 PPS extension data flag cleanup defect minor VTM-10.1 VTM
#458 PROF should be disabled with RPR defect minor spec
#459 PROF with weighted prediction defect minor VTM-7.0 VTM
#1296 Packed YUV output in VTM decoder doesn't work anymore defect major VTM-10.0 VTM
#1231 Palette coding syntax defect minor VVC D10 spec
#512 Palette crash with kimono-444, singletree, low-delay, lowqp (qp=2), PLT=1 defect minor VTM-6.2 VTM
#1166 Palette mode semantics: Extra bracket in formula (185) defect minor VVC D10 spec
#350 Parcat crash when user-defined scaling list is used defect minor VTM-6.0 VTM
#1468 Parcat don't remove duplicate prefix SEI defect minor VTM-12.1 VTM
#322 Parsing condition for ISP split flag defect minor spec
#1 Patch for trace files defect minor JEM
#527 Performance of IBDI = 12 is worse than IBDI = 10 on top of VTM-6 defect minor VTM-6.2 VTM
#848 PicRplsIdx[i] used but not defined defect minor spec
#1145 Picture buffer padding with ref_wraparound and multiple subpictures defect minor VTM
#1446 Picture header should be in its own NALU defect minor Conformance
#1190 Picture type check fails for bitstreams that have mixed NALU types defect minor VTM-10.0 VTM
#1300 Possibility of PredFlagL1 to be 1 in P Slice when subblokc-based temporal merging candidate is chosen defect minor spec
#51 Possible bug during ERP to RVP conversion in PSNR computation defect minor 360Lib
#600 Possible issue for calculation of xInti and yInti in Chroma sample interpolation process defect minor spec
#896 Possible issue in equation (81) defect minor spec
#895 Possible issue in syntax of transform_tree defect minor spec
#49 Possible memory leak when using ACP defect minor 360Lib
#136 Potential bug in transform coefficient zero-out of large TUs defect minor VTM
#251 Potential bug of Hash ME defect minor VTM-5.0 VTM
#934 Potential issue in determining vertical luma interpolation filter coefficients task minor spec
#940 Potential issue in the range of MaxNumGpmMergeCand defect minor spec
#72 Potential issue with CCLM specification text in VVC D2 v4 defect minor VVC D2 v5 spec
#86 Potential issue with reference sample filtering process in VVC D2 v4 defect minor VVC D2 v6 spec
#1514 Potential memory leak for m_sdiSEIInFirstAU and m_maiSEIInFirstAU defect minor VTM-14.1 VTM
#1559 Problem with inference of NoOutputOfPriorPicsFlag defect minor VTM
#1475 Problem with parsing SMultiValueInput defect minor VTM-12.1 VTM
#1535 Problem with unary_function defect minor VTM-16.0 VTM
#364 QP Prediction Doesn't Recognize Slice/Tile/Brick Boundaries defect minor VTM-6.0 VTM
#1542 QPA algorithm does not work properly when internal bitdepth is 8 defect minor VTM-16.1 VTM
#1397 QUANT_D_Huawei_2: bad level indicator defect minor Conformance
#450 RA coding has encoder/decoder mismatch in HDR PQ CTC (Luma deltaQP enabled) defect major VTM-6.0 VTM
#411 RADL and RASL constraints defect minor spec
#268 RDPCM: missing clip when adding residue deltas defect minor VTM-5.1 VTM
#1035 RPL constraint for RADL picture defect minor VVC D10 spec
#562 RPR - Calculation of refHeight defect minor VTM-7.0 VTM
#569 RPR - Clipping unscaled MVs defect minor VTM-7.0 VTM
#563 RPR - Combination with BDOF defect minor VTM-7.0 VTM
#784 RPR - Combination with PROF defect minor VTM-7.2 VTM
#783 RPR - Interpolation filters for chroma affine blocks. defect minor spec
#561 RPR - Issues with clipping and padding defect minor VTM-7.0 VTM
#571 RPR - Multiplication Overflow defect minor VTM-7.0 VTM
#568 RPR - Sub-PU Grouping defect minor VTM-7.0 VTM
#560 RPR - Use of reference picture PPS pointers defect minor VTM-7.0 VTM
#782 RPR - Use of reference picture PPS pointers defect minor VTM-7.2 VTM
#688 RPR - picture size is not set for scaled reference pictures defect minor VTM-7.0 VTM
#575 RPR is not working defect major VTM
#1472 RPR motion interpolation and 4:4:4 defect minor Conformance
#586 RPR variable scalingRatio[.] not defined defect minor spec
#820 RPR: sampleRateConv() function takes wrong input bitdepth defect minor VTM-8.0 VTM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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