Custom query (1414 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 1414)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1373 Repeated conversion of the Intra Chroma minQT setting from chroma unit to luma unit for multiple SPSs defect minor VTM-10.1 VTM
#1374 Decoder crash in multilayer coding defect minor VTM
#1375 Decoder crash in decoding the second independent layer in a multilayer bitstream defect minor VTM-16.0 VTM
#1377 Split parallelism is broken in VTM (8a621a2b) defect minor VTM-12.1 VTM
#1382 Decoder checkRPL failure with multilayer stream defect minor VTM
#1383 Incorrect APS management in multilayer streams defect minor VTM-10.1 VTM
#1385 Adaptive maximum BT size doesn't reset on IRAP defect minor VTM-10.1 VTM
#1393 Typo in command-line option defect minor VTM-10.1 VTM
#1394 NALread.cpp convertPayloadToRBSP not called correctly defect minor VTM-11.2 VTM
#1395 IRAP encoding depends on previous picture when encoding dependent layer defect minor VTM-10.1 VTM
#1396 Wrong output order with multiple layers defect minor VTM-10.1 VTM
#1400 Temporal filter bug in VTM defect minor VTM-10.1 VTM
#1401 VPS m_numReorderPics[j] initialization issue defect minor VTM-10.1 VTM
#1402 Extension of rate control to support GOP size of 32 (JVET-T0062). defect major VTM
#1403 VPS Syntax Mismatch defect minor VTM
#1404 Incorrect Condition for Coding WP num_l1_weights defect minor VTM
#1405 Missing Decoded Picture Hash SEI Syntax defect minor VTM
#1406 Incorrect Syntax Type for ffi_display_elemental_periods_minus1 defect minor VTM
#1407 Missing HRD syntax conditions defect minor VTM
#1408 LFNST zero out incorrect when JVET_R0351_HIGH_BIT_DEPTH_ENABLED is 1 defect minor VTM-11.0 VTM
#1409 Overflow processing 16 bit sequences if JVET_R0351_HIGH_BIT_DEPTH_ENABLED is not set defect minor VTM
#1411 Decoder crash when decoding a CRA picture following an EOS defect minor VTM
#1413 VTM crashes if decoding starts with CRA and last frame is RASL defect minor VTM-12.1 VTM
#1414 VTM crashes when starting to decode with CRA and RASL with SUFFIX SEI defect minor VTM-12.1 VTM
#1415 Decoder crashed after !1927 (JVET-S0078-Rebased: Handling NoOutputOfPriorPicFlag) when encountering a second IDR picture defect major VTM
#1417 Mismatch with spec on pt_display_elemental_periods_minus1 defect minor VTM
#1418 Mismatch between spec and VTM on signalling of sn_layer_id defect minor VTM-11.0 VTM
#1419 VTM does not correctly apply the C5.2.2 process defect minor VTM-11.1 VTM
#1422 Inferred values for dpb parameters defined in SPS are missing defect minor VTM
#1426 Wrong place for initialization of bestBcwCost defect trivial VTM-11.0 VTM
#1429 Temporal Filter does not work with field coding defect minor VTM
#1431 Align VTM clipping after inverse transform with specification defect minor VTM
#1433 VTM doesn't start decoding on GDR with ph_recovery_poc_cnt = 0 defect minor VTM-11.0 VTM
#1438 Decoder crashes when decoding multi-layer bitstream defect minor VTM
#1439 Incorrect use of reference picture with lower temporal id with GOP size 32 defect minor VTM
#1442 Mismatch on PTL signalling in VPS between VTM and VVC spec defect minor VTM-11.1 VTM
#1444 incorrect decoding of scalable conformance streams defect major VTM-12.2 VTM
#1447 incorrect output when the GDR picture is the first picture in a CVS (or bitstream) defect major VTM-12.1 VTM
#1449 VTM generates incorrect .opl for multi-layers streams defect major VTM-12.2 VTM
#1451 Spec/SW mismatch: chroma interpolation with RPR and 4:4:4 defect minor VTM-12.0 VTM
#1452 Incorrect source in HDRmetrics when temporal prefilter is enabled defect minor VTM-12.0 VTM
#1453 Overflow in RPR scaling calculation defect minor VTM-12.0 VTM
#1455 Cannot decode GDR conformance bitstream defect major VTM-12.1 VTM
#1456 Incorrect DPB flush when mixed NALU types is enabled defect minor VTM-12.0 VTM
#1457 rplIdx variable for list 1 is not always set in parseSliceHeader() defect minor VTM-12.0 VTM
#1458 printout wPSNR defect minor VTM-12.0 VTM
#1459 Support issue on JVET_U0103_HIGH_BIT_DEPTH_SIMD defect minor VTM-12.0 VTM
#1460 Missing reset of violatesMtsCoeffConstraint defect trivial VTM-12.0 VTM
#1461 Enabling chroma dQP does not exercise the feature as expected defect minor VTM-12.1 VTM
#1462 Encoder/decoder mismatch when activating chroma dQP defect minor VTM-12.1 VTM
#1463 More encoder configuration parameters for chroma dQP enhancement minor VTM-12.1 VTM
#1464 Non-conforming values of sn_subpic_id_len_minus1 defect minor VTM
#1465 Crash when decoding mixed nalu leading pictures defect minor VTM
#1466 Incorrect check on sps virtual boundaries constraint defect minor VTM-12.1 VTM
#1467 std::sort() may cause cross-platform performance mismatch defect minor VTM
#1468 Parcat don't remove duplicate prefix SEI defect minor VTM-12.1 VTM
#1471 Decoder crashed when DebugBitstream is present defect minor VTM
#1473 fix initialization of m_initialCpbRemovalOffset in SEIBufferingPeriod class defect minor VTM-12.1 VTM
#1474 Issue on RPL compliance check after MR 2026 (Fixes for tickets #961, #1455 and #1447) defect minor VTM-12.2 VTM
#1475 Problem with parsing SMultiValueInput defect minor VTM-12.1 VTM
#1476 Issue on picture output after MR 2026 (Fixes for tickets #961, #1455 and #1447) defect minor VTM-12.2 VTM
#1478 Issue on sps_field_seq_flag defect minor VTM-12.2 VTM
#1480 Wrong order of coding initial_cpb_removal_delay and initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset defect minor VTM-12.2 VTM
#1481 LMCS updating issue defect minor VTM
#1485 adding conformance checking in VTM decoder for LMCS defect minor VTM
#1487 potential bug in void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::deriveLoopFilterBoundaryAvailibility() of VTM13.0 defect minor VTM
#1489 Cleanup of variable names for m_iSourceWidth and m_iSourceHeight defect minor VTM-13.1 VTM
#1490 Some pictures are not output when bitstream has mixed NALUs with CRA subpicture defect minor VTM
#1492 cfg_sliFractions and cfg_sliNonSubpicLayersFractions have incorrect range defect minor VTM
#1495 Encoder crashes for multi-layer encoding and GDR_ENABLED=1 defect minor VTM
#1496 fix palette parsing defect minor VTM-14.0 VTM
#1497 Encoder crash for RGB content when TransformSkip and LFNST are disabled defect minor VTM-14.0 VTM
#1498 Decoder mismatch following fix to #1497 defect minor VTM-14.0 VTM
#1499 Mismatch on a bitstream constraint for RExt tools for low bitdepth defect minor VTM-14.0 VTM
#1501 Wrong slice type when GDR enabled in LDP configuration defect major VTM
#1502 Low bit-depth encoding fails due to the check in riceStatReset defect minor VTM-14.0 VTM
#1503 Unchecked unsupported combination of TransformSkip and TSRCRicePresent defect minor VTM-14.0 VTM
#1505 Encoder fails to start encoding under CTC for high bit-depth defect minor VTM-14.0 VTM
#1508 Call to verifyPlane in VideoIOYuv::read uses wrong chroma format defect minor VTM
#1509 Lossless RGB encoder issue defect minor VTM-14.1 VTM
#1510 default scaling window is not set from conformance window in SPS defect minor VTM
#1512 Mismatch VTM/spec on locSumAbs derivation (Range Extension) defect major VTM-14.0 VTM
#1514 Potential memory leak for m_sdiSEIInFirstAU and m_maiSEIInFirstAU defect minor VTM-14.1 VTM
#1515 Overflow in ALF derivation process when bitdepth > 10 defect minor VTM-15.0 VTM
#1516 access unit APS Nals are not reset when skipping layer defect minor VTM-16.0 VTM
#1518 Minor bug in xInitSPS that wrongly checks virtualBoundariesEnabledFlag() instead of virtualBoundariesPresentFlag() defect trivial VTM
#1519 Mismatch VTM/spec in DMVR process for bitdepth > 10 defect minor VTM-16.0 VTM
#1522 profile_idc for 16 bit profiles defect minor VTM
#1523 VTM does not compile in ARM environment defect minor VTM-16.0 VTM
#1524 Issue on CRA output when NoOutputBeforeRecoveryFlag =1 defect minor VTM
#1525 delete sps pointer in the storeSPS() function whereas it will be used later in the caller function defect minor VTM
#1527 Bug in reference picture list construction for dependent layers defect minor VTM-16.0 VTM
#1528 Wrong GDR POC computation for Intra refresh area in EncCu.cpp defect minor VTM
#1529 Affine constructed candidates are misidentified as valid or invalid for GDR in getAffineMergeCand process defect minor VTM
#1531 Error processing conformance bitstreams in high bit depth mode defect major VTM
#1532 Outdated VUI parameters (vui_UHD_PQ, vui_HD.cfg ) defect trivial VTM-16.0 VTM
#1535 Problem with unary_function defect minor VTM-16.0 VTM
#1536 VTM encoder generates non decodable stream because of incorrect numExpSliceInTile defect major VTM-15.0 VTM
#1537 Bad memory access in DecLib::checkLayerIdIncludedInCvss defect minor VTM
#1541 remRegBins calculation in xRateDistOptQuant looks not correct for 64x64 transform defect minor VTM-16.1 VTM
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