29 Feb 2020:
- 09:57 Ticket #912 (ERROR when encoding next I-frame) created by
- ERROR: In function "xCompressCU" in EncCu.cpp:1002: Should always get …
- 09:43 Ticket #911 (Incorrect decoding information ":,(unk)") created by
- * Prefix APS numBytesInNALunit: 119 * TRAIL numBytesInNALunit: …
- 01:31 Ticket #910 (Missing braces in num_ref_idx_active_override_flag condition) created by
- Missing braces around the slice type conditions if( ( …
28 Feb 2020:
- 10:21 Ticket #909 (Alignment of sps_independent_subpics_flag with the decision from the ...) created by
- The current semantics for sps_independent_subpics_flag is not …
27 Feb 2020:
- 21:19 Ticket #908 (Maximum number of PH wpred weights) created by
- Should the range of num_lx_weights in the weighted prediction …
- 12:04 Ticket #875 (ERROR: In function "codeSliceHeader" in VLCWriter.cpp:2383: when ...) closed by
- invalid
- 12:02 Ticket #891 (Incorrect temporal sublayer decoding) closed by
- fixed: The MR was merged.
- 00:38 Ticket #907 (output_flag_present_flag semantic) closed by
- fixed: Good catch! Thanks! Will be fixed in Q2001-vD.
- 00:35 Ticket #906 (typo for number of extra SH bits) closed by
- fixed
- 00:23 Ticket #905 (Typo sps_idr_rpl_flag in closed by
- fixed: Good catch! Thanks! Will be fixed in Q2001-vD.
- 00:20 Ticket #890 (Inconsistency in weighted pred flags values in case wp_info_in_ph_flag = 1) closed by
- fixed: Will be fixed in Q2001-vD.
26 Feb 2020:
- 22:25 Ticket #907 (output_flag_present_flag semantic) created by
- output_flag_present_flag equal to 1 indicates that the pic_output_flag …
- 09:04 Ticket #906 (typo for number of extra SH bits) created by
- In JVET-Q2001-vC, NumExtraShBits = 0 for( i = 0; i < ( …
25 Feb 2020:
- 20:10 Ticket #905 (Typo sps_idr_rpl_flag in created by
- sps_idr_rpl_flag in Note 1 shall be sps_idr_rpl_present_flag
- 11:49 Ticket #904 (VTM-8.0 exits with segmentation fault after the first intra picture, ...) created by
- -c .\cfg\encoder_randomaccess_vtm.cfg -c …
- 11:08 Ticket #903 (Issues in Subpicture sub-bitstream extraction process) created by
- In C.7 Subpicture sub-bitstream extraction process, the variable …
- 00:54 Ticket #902 (range of ph_cu_qp_delta_subdiv_intra/inter_slice) created by
- According to the current spec, the range of …
24 Feb 2020:
- 12:01 Milestone VTM-8.0 completed
- 10:28 Ticket #901 (Typo in ACT inverse conversion) created by
- In section of VVC D8 vC, there is a typo in equation (1226). …
22 Feb 2020:
21 Feb 2020:
- 07:26 Ticket #869 (Duplicated LoopFilterTcOffset_div2 setting in configuration files) closed by
- fixed: The issue has been fixed in MR !1351
- 03:49 Ticket #900 (SW and SW mismatch on parsing condition of lfnst_idx) created by
- In VVC D8 vC, lfnstNotTsFlag = ( treeType == DUAL_TREE_CHROMA | | …
- 01:58 Ticket #899 (Deblocking of cu_cbf_flag=0 CUs with implicit transform splitting.) created by
- When a CU has cu_cbf_flag=0, VTM adds a single TU with size equal to …
- 00:01 Ticket #898 (Mismatch with VTM for inference rule of slice_height_in_tiles_minus1) closed by
- fixed: Thanks! Will be fixed in Q2001-vD.
20 Feb 2020:
- 18:56 Ticket #759 (bug of writeSEImessages) closed by
- fixed: Merged.
- 14:30 Ticket #898 (Mismatch with VTM for inference rule of slice_height_in_tiles_minus1) created by
- Currently, the inference rule for slice_height_in_tiles_minus1 is the …
- 06:04 Ticket #897 (Typos in deriving tc for chroma) closed by
- duplicate: Closed as duplicate of #838.
- 05:12 Ticket #897 (Typos in deriving tc for chroma) created by
- In Decision process for chroma block edges, the following …
19 Feb 2020:
- 23:06 Ticket #888 (typo in Use of the frame-field information SEI message) closed by
- fixed: Good catch! Thanks! Will be fixed in Q2001-vD.
- 23:02 Ticket #896 (Possible issue in equation (81)) closed by
- fixed: I think you are right. Thanks! Will be fixed in Q2001-vD.
- 21:08 Ticket #893 (TYPO in the semantics of max_num_merge_cand_minus_max_num_gpm_cand) closed by
- fixed: Good catch! Thanks! Will be fixed in Q2001-vD.
- 13:10 Ticket #896 (Possible issue in equation (81)) created by
- In PPS semantics, when deriving slices within a tile in equation (81), …
- 13:04 Ticket #895 (Possible issue in syntax of transform_tree) created by
- In the syntax of transform_tree, when ISP and SBT are not used, but …
- 12:59 Ticket #894 (Typos in deblocking filter specification) created by
- 1) In Decision process for chroma block edges, there may be …
- 00:06 Ticket #893 (TYPO in the semantics of max_num_merge_cand_minus_max_num_gpm_cand) created by
- In JVET-Q2001-vC, there is a TYPO in the semantics of …
18 Feb 2020:
- 23:45 Ticket #892 (Bug of parsing max num of GPM candidates) created by
- In JVET-Q2001-vC (as shown below), the syntax …
- 19:45 Ticket #873 (SubPicPresentFlag has not been updated to SubPicInfoPresentFlag in cfg ...) closed by
- fixed: This was fixed in MR1357 …
- 19:42 Ticket #851 (Mismatch between spec and VTM on RplsIdx inference.) closed by
- fixed: The MR was merged.
- 19:42 Ticket #812 (Use-after-free in DecLib::xDecodeAPS(InputNALUnit&)) closed by
- fixed: The MR was merged.
- 18:39 Ticket #891 (Incorrect temporal sublayer decoding) created by
- The VTM decoder crashes, when decoding only TL=0 pictures, trying to …
- 17:04 Ticket #890 (Inconsistency in weighted pred flags values in case wp_info_in_ph_flag = 1) created by
- In the specification, in case wp_info_in_ph_flag = 1 and weighted pred …
- 16:25 Ticket #889 (Incorrect size and reset for m_weightPredTable) created by
- Since the introduction of the syntax elements num_l0_weights and …
- 10:18 Ticket #888 (typo in Use of the frame-field information SEI message) created by
- following sentence in spec is typo. If …
17 Feb 2020:
- 04:20 Ticket #887 (SW/Spec mismatch on CclmEnable) created by
- In the current spec Q-2001vC, the luma conditions (When CclmEnabled is …
15 Feb 2020:
- 21:29 Ticket #878 (Typos in (slice header)) closed by
- fixed: Thanks! Both will be fixed in vD. Also replace "NumExtraPhBits" with …
- 21:24 Ticket #881 (Typos related to VPS layers and scaling offset) closed by
- fixed: Items 1 and 2 have already been fixed in vC. Item 3 will be fixed in …
- 21:00 Ticket #883 (restriction for nesting_num_subpics_minus1 should be modified) closed by
- fixed: Good catch. Thanks! Will be fixed in vD.
- 20:53 Ticket #884 (ph_cc_alf_cb_aps_id and ph_cc_alf_cr_aps_id miss TemporalId constraint) closed by
- fixed: Correct. Will be fixed as suggested in vD.
14 Feb 2020:
- 16:43 Ticket #352 (VTM encoder not compiling when activating WPP_PARALLELISM) closed by
- wontfix: ENABLE_WPP_PARALLELISM was removed in !1173
- 16:38 Ticket #246 (Inconsistent bits calculation for different merge modes at encoder) closed by
- fixed: The MR was merged (long time ago)
- 16:37 Ticket #189 (VTM (encoder and decoder) not compiling when deactivating SIMD) closed by
- fixed: It seems this was fixed at some point
- 16:09 Ticket #503 (Field coding broken) closed by
- fixed: Field coding was fixes somewhere in VTM 7.x
- 16:08 Ticket #748 (VTM 7.0 decoder slower than VTM 6.2 decoder) closed by
- fixed: The fix was merged. Further improvements would still be possible.
- 16:05 Ticket #432 (TileUniformSpacing not working) closed by
- fixed: Tile layout signalling was redesigend. Should be solved somewhere …
- 14:23 Ticket #879 (Typo for scaling list control in the slice_header( )) closed by
- duplicate: Closed as duplicate of #878. Also reported in #878
- 14:22 Ticket #885 (Typo in slice header syntax) closed by
- duplicate: Closed as duplicate of #878. Was reported in #878 already
- 12:10 Ticket #886 (Encoder issue with LMCSUpdateCtrl==2) created by
- We encoded a 10-bit non-CTC sequence with a few black frames in the …
- 10:43 Ticket #821 (Scalability coding is broken) closed by
- fixed: This should be resolved with MR !1326
- 10:36 Ticket #885 (Typo in slice header syntax) created by
- For SH extra bit we have […] The number should be NumExtraShBits …
- 08:12 Ticket #884 (ph_cc_alf_cb_aps_id and ph_cc_alf_cr_aps_id miss TemporalId constraint) created by
- The following descriptions shall be added to the semantics of …
- 01:27 Ticket #862 (sps_palette_enabled_flag and sps_act_enabled_flag are in wrong order) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in …
13 Feb 2020:
- 20:41 Ticket #868 (Chroma Deblocking Issue with Local Dual-Tree) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in …
- 20:40 Ticket #877 (CCALF with multiple-slices) closed by
- fixed
- 10:25 Ticket #883 (restriction for nesting_num_subpics_minus1 should be modified) created by
- In current, restriction for nesting_num_subpics_minus1 is as below: …
- 07:27 Ticket #334 (cu_qp_delta_abs is not using context coding) closed by
- invalid
12 Feb 2020:
- 15:49 Ticket #882 (WPP vs. entropy coding sync naming) created by
- In the SPS we have […] Using WPP in the name of …
- 13:11 Ticket #881 (Typos related to VPS layers and scaling offset) created by
- 1. In equation (37), the direct_ref_layer_flag[ i ][ j ] should be …
- 13:04 Ticket #880 (Bug: In setting POC for dependent layers in DecLib.cpp) created by
- The setting of POC for pictures in dependent layers checks only the …
- 00:23 Ticket #866 (Chroma Deblocking Issues with Max Transform Size) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in …
- 00:09 Ticket #867 (Chroma Deblocking Issue with ISP) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in …
- 00:06 Ticket #822 (Deblocking with ISP and Virtual Boundaries) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in …
11 Feb 2020:
- 09:13 Ticket #879 (Typo for scaling list control in the slice_header( )) created by
- pic_scaling_list_enabled_flag is not defined in the spec. I guess, …
- 03:51 Ticket #878 (Typos in (slice header)) created by
- There are two typos in 1. The variable NumExtraPhBits should …
8 Feb 2020:
- 02:16 Ticket #877 (CCALF with multiple-slices) created by
- The CCALF parameters are set just once at the end of the picture in …
- 00:49 Ticket #876 (Update nonCTC-SliceConfigExamples cfg files to remove "Triangle") created by
- The following cfg files have the term "Triangle" in them, which needs …
- 00:42 Ticket #852 (Issue in the definition of six_minus_max_num_ibc_merge_cand) closed by
- fixed
- 00:40 Ticket #850 (issue in the definition of max_num_merge_cand_minus_max_num_gpm_cand) closed by
- fixed: Thanks for the good catch! Will be fixed in JVET-Q2001-vC, by …
7 Feb 2020:
- 20:54 Ticket #848 (PicRplsIdx[i] used but not defined) closed by
- fixed: Thanks for the good catch! Will be fixed in JVET-Q2001-vC.
- 20:27 Ticket #860 (parameter setting in subpic sub-bitstream extraction is not correct) closed by
- fixed: Thanks for the good catch! Will be fixed in JVET-Q2001-vC.
- 20:24 Ticket #861 (typo in semantics of subpic_treated_as_pic_flag) closed by
- fixed: Thanks for the good catch! Will be fixed in JVET-Q2001-vC.
- 20:20 Ticket #874 (ltrp_in_slice_header_flag not defined) closed by
- fixed: Thanks for the good catch! Will be fixed in JVET-Q2001-vC.
- 09:29 Ticket #875 (ERROR: In function "codeSliceHeader" in VLCWriter.cpp:2383: when ...) created by
- ERROR: In function "codeSliceHeader" in VLCWriter.cpp:2383: when …
- 02:11 Ticket #874 (ltrp_in_slice_header_flag not defined) created by
- ltrp_in_slice_header_flag has been replaced by ltrp_in_header_flag. …
- 02:01 Ticket #872 (Mismatch between spec and VTM in colour space conversion) closed by
- duplicate: Closed as duplicate of #839. This seems to be a more thorough …
- 01:19 Ticket #873 (SubPicPresentFlag has not been updated to SubPicInfoPresentFlag in cfg ...) created by
- The SubPicPresentFlag should be updated to SubPicInfoPresentFlag in …
6 Feb 2020:
- 23:21 Ticket #872 (Mismatch between spec and VTM in colour space conversion) created by
- There seems to be a mismatch between the spec and VTM software …
- 20:14 Ticket #871 (parcat is broken again (after JVET-Q0781)) closed by
- fixed: The MR is merged
- 18:30 Ticket #871 (parcat is broken again (after JVET-Q0781)) created by
- Any change that occurs in the picture header (or slice header, when PH …
- 16:53 Ticket #870 (Decoder crash when using MaxMTTHierarchyDepth 0) closed by
- fixed: Seems to be resolved by MR !1291
- 16:21 Ticket #870 (Decoder crash when using MaxMTTHierarchyDepth 0) created by
- The VTM-7.0 decoder (and also current master) crashes when encoding …
- 14:31 Ticket #864 (CHECK triggered in debug mode at the decoder in InputBitstream::read) closed by
- fixed: The MR was merged.
- 14:28 Ticket #856 ([JVET_Q0110_Q0785_CHROMA_BDPCM_420] crash on monochrome streams) closed by
- fixed: The MR was merged
- 08:01 Ticket #869 (Duplicated LoopFilterTcOffset_div2 setting in configuration files) created by
- LoopFilterTcOffset_div2 is set two times in each configuration files. …
- 01:07 Ticket #868 (Chroma Deblocking Issue with Local Dual-Tree) created by
- For local dual-tree cases, the xGetBoundaryStrengthSingle() function …
- 01:04 Ticket #867 (Chroma Deblocking Issue with ISP) created by
- In function LoopFilter::xEdgeFilterChroma() At the following …
- 01:02 Ticket #866 (Chroma Deblocking Issues with Max Transform Size) created by
- In function LoopFilter::xDeblockCU() a.) This line calculates the …
5 Feb 2020:
- 22:09 Ticket #863 (Decoder crashes in latest master ...) closed by
- fixed: Merged. I still kind of expect people to at least run the code they …
- 20:34 Ticket #865 (Typos and variable fixes in palette related text) created by
- 1. In and below equation (438): The ( nCbW x nCbH ) block …
- 19:45 Ticket #864 (CHECK triggered in debug mode at the decoder in InputBitstream::read) created by
- The exception is triggered in CHECK(m_fifo_idx + num_bytes_to_load >= …
- 19:02 Ticket #863 (Decoder crashes in latest master ...) created by
- An attempt to decode a bitstream generated by the encoder with …
- 15:41 Ticket #862 (sps_palette_enabled_flag and sps_act_enabled_flag are in wrong order) created by
- In the spec text palette is signalled first: […] In the software …
- 08:38 Ticket #861 (typo in semantics of subpic_treated_as_pic_flag) created by
- Following semantics include a typo as highlighted: When …
- 03:41 Ticket #860 (parameter setting in subpic sub-bitstream extraction is not correct) created by
- In C.7 Subpicture sub-bitstream extraction process: Following process …
4 Feb 2020:
- 22:28 Ticket #859 (JVET-Q0089 - TS residual coding disabled with dependent quantization) created by
- There appears to be a mismatch between the SW and draft text for the …
- 20:46 Ticket #858 (Missing close brace and conditions in palette_coding ()) created by
- 1. In the first while loop while( PaletteScanPos < maxSubPos ), the …
- 19:52 Ticket #853 ([JVET_Q0110_Q0785_ChromaBDPCM420] Wrong context increment on tu_cbf_cr) closed by
- fixed
- 15:45 Ticket #857 (Mismatch between spec and VTM in derivation of coding sub-block boundaries) created by
- There seems to be a mismatch between the spec and VTM software …
- 15:17 Ticket #856 ([JVET_Q0110_Q0785_CHROMA_BDPCM_420] crash on monochrome streams) created by
- In CabacReader.cpp, function call bdpcm_mode(cu, …
- 13:29 Ticket #855 (Bug in Table 131) created by
- coeff_sign_flag[ ] transform_skip_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ][ cIdx ] = = 1 && …
- 13:22 Ticket #854 (Wrong close brace place in residual_ts_coding()) created by
- At the end of residual_ts_coding(), the line of "TransCoeffLevel[ x0 …
- 12:17 Ticket #853 ([JVET_Q0110_Q0785_ChromaBDPCM420] Wrong context increment on tu_cbf_cr) created by
- in cbf_comp function (CABACReader.cpp:2661), the call to …
- 01:55 Ticket #852 (Issue in the definition of six_minus_max_num_ibc_merge_cand) created by
- The range of MaxNumIbcMergeCand is undefined after moving it to sps. …
3 Feb 2020:
- 13:28 Ticket #851 (Mismatch between spec and VTM on RplsIdx inference.) created by
- It seems there is a mismatch between spec and VTM on the RplsIdx[1] …
- 11:51 Ticket #850 (issue in the definition of max_num_merge_cand_minus_max_num_gpm_cand) created by
- The constraint related to MaxNumGeoMergeCand below is conflicting with …
1 Feb 2020:
- 17:38 Ticket #842 (parcat broken after slice header changes (JVET-Q0775)) closed by
- fixed: I merged !1300
31 Jan 2020:
- 22:04 Ticket #849 (Geo Prediction Mode - Mismatch between text and SW) created by
- The text and software appear to use opposite definitions of the …
- 12:26 Ticket #846 (Stains in the film) closed by
- duplicate: corrected
- 10:07 Ticket #848 (PicRplsIdx[i] used but not defined) created by
- The variable PicRplsIdx[i] is used but not defined. This is due to the …
- 07:07 Ticket #847 (Typo of signaling condition for chroma intra prediction mode ...) created by
- In SW(2b6a7e1a), intra_chroma_pred_mode or cclm_mode_{flag,idx} is …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.