Custom query (1414 matches)


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Results (901 - 1000 of 1414)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#651 JVET-P0091: Reduction of BDOF mvRefineThres to +/- 15 defect minor spec
#652 Misleading variable names in TSRC sections defect minor spec
#653 Coding of partition_constraints_override_flag defect minor spec
#654 Valid range for LADF QP Offsets defect minor spec
#655 BDOF multiplication of sGxGy and vx defect minor spec
#657 Mismatch with vtm on lmcs_data() syntax defect minor spec
#658 Reserve 8 nuh_layer_id values and not 7 defect minor spec
#659 CuQpOffset Reset defect minor spec
#661 minor simplif in condition to decode cu_sbt_flag defect minor VTM-7.0 spec
#663 Wrong condition scope for SBT in clause defect minor spec
#665 Mismatch with vtm on lfnst_idx parsing defect minor spec
#667 Mismatch with vtm on ciip_flag inference defect minor spec
#668 tu_cbf_luma inferrence defect minor spec
#671 Inference rule missing for num_tiles_in_slice_minus1? defect minor spec
#672 Inference rule for pt_present_flag[0] defect minor spec
#673 Mismatch on MMVD range defect minor spec
#674 Mismatch of ALF classification between VTM and spec defect minor spec
#678 JVET-P1026 - DST-7/DCT-8 TUs with coefficients outside 16x16 region defect minor spec
#679 Mismatch between SW and spec on CG size for TS Chroma defect minor spec
#680 Mismatch between SW and spec on DepQuant state transition defect minor spec
#685 Mismatch between spec and VTM code for cu_sbt_flag context assignment defect minor spec
#686 bracket missing in 8-1271 enhancement minor spec
#687 P1034 - Wrap around in scaling list coding defect minor spec
#689 Unused variable in eq. (7-2) in section Video parameter set RBSP semantics defect trivial spec
#690 typo in semantic of each_layer_is_an_ols_flag defect trivial spec
#691 issue in pps_max_num_merge_cand_minus_max_num_triangle_cand_plus1 in constant-slice setting defect minor spec
#692 typos in eq.(7-5) in section Video parameter set RBSP semantics enhancement trivial spec
#693 Typo in eq.(7-6) in Video parameter set RBSP semantics enhancement trivial spec
#694 Typo in eq.(7-7) in Video parameter set RBSP semantics enhancement trivial spec
#697 Mismatch of equation (8-1261) between VTM and spec defect minor spec
#698 Redundant TU condition when deriving bS for CIIP defect minor spec
#699 typos in eq. 8-771 8-772 defect minor spec
#700 Missing spec text integration of JVET-P0580 defect minor spec
#701 scalingRatio[ 0 ] and scalingRatio[ 1 ] seem to be undefined defect minor spec
#702 Variable name compIdx is used for different purposes in the spec defect minor spec
#703 Missing definition of entry_point_offsets_present_flag and clarification of entroy_point_offset existence defect minor spec
#704 conformance_window_flag semantic defect minor spec
#708 mismatch on BDPCM luma/chroma context indices between VTM7 and spec defect minor spec
#709 Incorrect use of collocated luma block location when deriving SbTMVP merge candidates defect minor spec
#710 Mismatch between text and SW on addressing colPredMode defect minor spec
#711 GRA_NUT should be GDR_NUT? defect minor spec
#713 alf_chroma_num_alt_filters_minus1 unbounded defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#715 MinCbLog2SizeC is not defined defect minor spec
#716 pps_dep_quant_enabled_flag not defined defect minor VTM-7.1 spec
#717 Editorial suggestion in section defect minor spec
#720 Issues in LFNST index parsing defect minor spec
#723 Unclear variable sbBdofFlag in General defect minor spec
#725 IntraSubPartitionsSplit[ x0 ][ y0 ] is not defined. defect minor spec
#727 Wrong filter coefficient value specified for CCLM defect minor spec
#729 Minor error in the assignment of ctxInc to tu_cbf_cr[ ][ ] defect minor spec
#732 Issue with PicFullPocLt calculation defect minor spec
#736 Mismatch with vtm on slice header extension and entry_point_offset order defect minor spec
#737 mismatch of sps_palette_enabled_flag and sps_act_enabled_flag coding order defect trivial spec
#739 sps_subpic_id_signalling_flag not defined defect trivial VVC D7 vC spec
#740 Figure 7 is wrong defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#742 fix typo and simplify spec related to subpicture defect minor spec
#746 Issue with tc derivation on deblocking filter defect minor spec
#747 Missing definition of function LongTermRefPic() defect minor spec
#749 Spec/VTM mismatch: CABAC contexts for ref_idx_l0 and ref_idx_l1 defect minor spec
#751 Typos in inter-layer related text defect minor spec
#752 Incorrect constraint for sps_ref_wraparound_enabled_flag defect minor spec
#753 Editorial issue on some min size derivation defect minor spec
#754 SW/Spec mismatch on tu_cbf_luma signalling defect minor VVC D10 spec
#757 LmcsPivot constraint issue defect minor spec
#758 spec not aligned with adoption and software on ACT Qp offsets defect minor spec
#761 Incorrect conditions for checking different CTUs between the positions (xQg-1, yQg) and (xCb, yCb) in section 8.7.1 defect minor spec
#762 Incorrect conditions for zeroing-out of a quantization matrix element m[ x ][ y ] defect minor spec
#765 Typos and undefined variables in Derivation process for motion vectors and reference indices in subblock merge mode defect minor spec
#766 Minor editorial issue defect minor spec
#767 Typo in BP SEI syntax element defect minor spec
#768 Typo in chroma QP for deblocking defect minor spec
#769 Not matched names between pps_joint_cbcr_qp_offset_value in syntax table/semantics and pps_joint_cbcr_qp_offset in eq.(1124) enhancement trivial spec
#771 Truncation issue on subpicture signaling defect minor spec
#772 Issue in tileIdx derivation in 6.5.1 defect minor spec
#773 Use of num_slices_in_tile_minus1[ i ] in Section defect minor spec
#775 Unintended parsing dependency in subpicture level information SEI defect minor spec
#776 Mismatch on getting the down-sampled neighbouring top luma samples in CCLM for 4:2:2 defect minor spec
#777 Mismatch on the shift value in BCW defect minor spec
#780 Issues on chroma BDPCM signaling defect minor spec
#781 correct calculation of subpicture layout syntax length defect minor spec
#783 RPR - Interpolation filters for chroma affine blocks. defect minor spec
#789 Log2 issue in CCLM defect minor spec
#790 Log2 issue in subpicture signaling defect minor spec
#791 Typo in section 8.8.1 (General, In-loop filter process) defect minor spec
#792 Issue of subpic ID mapping present defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#796 Bug in down-sampled collocated luma samples derivation in CCLM defect minor spec
#797 coded_sub_block_flag semantics assume only 4x4 subblock defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#798 Wrong size for array of coeff delta idx defect major spec
#801 redundant index reference for num_tiles_in_slice_minus1 defect trivial spec
#802 Incomplete range of MaxNumTriangleMergeCand defect minor spec
#803 Issue with 6.4.2 Allowed quad split process defect minor spec
#805 Bug in PROF enable conditions defect minor spec
#806 Mismatch between spec and SW for the combination of DMVR and weighted prediction defect minor spec
#807 Editorial issue for the context table of mvp_l0_flag and mvp_l1_flag defect minor spec
#808 Bug in (614) in Derivation process for collocated motion vectors defect minor spec
#809 Issue with derivation of maxFilterLengthPs on coding subblock boundaries defect minor spec
#810 Redundant input for Derivation process for chroma motion vectors defect minor spec
#811 missing affine MVD prediction in spec. defect minor spec
#815 Subclause name mismatch defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#816 Mismatch between spec and VTM in constructed affine candidate defect minor spec
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