

6 Jul 2020:

16:59 Ticket #1162 (Usage of undefined index subpicIdx in subpicture extraction process) created by vdrugeon
In equations C.34 and C.35 (calculation of virtual boundary positions …
16:57 Ticket #1161 (Strange use of vps_video_parameter_set_id in general decoding process) created by vdrugeon
In 8.1.1 General: "Otherwise, if vps_video_parameter_set_id is greater …
16:55 Ticket #1160 (CpbRemovalTime is used but not defined) created by vdrugeon
In C.4 Bitstream conformance condition 6, there is still one instance …
15:01 Milestone VTM-9.2 completed
10:24 Ticket #1159 (Typo in semantics of gci_one_au_only_constraint_flag) created by abe.kiyo
In General constraints information semantics, …
07:58 Ticket #1158 (Variable "ScallFact" in created by siwamura
In, scallFactX and scallFactY are defined, but it may be typo. …
04:57 Ticket #1157 (Missing definition of currPic or CurrPic in 8.3.6 and 8.5.1) created by moonmo.koo
In recent VVC WD (JVET-S02001-vA.docx), currPic or CurrPic can be …
04:47 Ticket #1156 (Typo in and different font size in created by moonmo.koo
In the last part of coding_tree syntax table ( in …

3 Jul 2020:

22:50 Ticket #1145 (Picture buffer padding with ref_wraparound and multiple subpictures) closed by ksuehring
fixed: The MR was merged.
09:07 Ticket #1155 (Redundant check of ciip flag in deblocking) created by Kenneth
The following check is redundant and can be removed from the Bs …

1 Jul 2020:

22:49 Tickets #955,​1101,​1153,​1154 batch updated by bbross
fixed: Will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vA.
21:13 Ticket #1030 (Wrong chroma ALF virtual boundary position for 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 sequences) closed by bbross
21:13 Ticket #1114 (Address the editor's note on 4x4 affine MC for chroma components.) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for providing the spec text and confirming, this is fixed in …
21:12 Ticket #1073 (MotionModelIdc undefined when cu_affine_type_flag is not present) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for confirming and this is fixed in JVET-S2001-v9.
21:12 Ticket #1059 (Issue on ApplyLfnstFlag) closed by bbross
fixed: This is fixed in JVET-S2001-v9.
21:10 Ticket #845 (Issue on modeTypeCondition derivation) closed by bbross
fixed: This is fixed in JVET-S2001-v9 with messed up indent that will be …
21:09 Ticket #623 (Typos and undefined variables in ACT related text) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for providing the spec text and this is fixed in JVET-S2001-v9.
17:41 Ticket #1134 (Wrong conditioning of sps_sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag in SPS) closed by fbossen
16:15 Ticket #1154 (Syntax of transform_tree) created by vdrugeon
In the syntax of transform_tree, an "else" was added before calling …
16:14 Ticket #1153 (Semantics of sps_scaling_matrix_for_alternative_colour_space_disabled_flag) created by vdrugeon
At first sight, the semantics of …
16:01 Ticket #1132 (ILRP in case of vps_max_tid_il_ref_pics_plus1[ i ][ j ] equal to 0) closed by yk
fixed: Thanks! The original suggestion was confirmed at a JVET meeting …
16:00 Ticket #1121 (Typo in equations in C.24 and C.25 of C.7 Subpicture sub-bitstream ...) closed by yk
16:00 Ticket #1119 (Undefined HRD syntax elements and variables) closed by yk

30 Jun 2020:

21:07 Ticket #1152 (yL in eq. (938)) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch (also in a couple more places), will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
21:03 Ticket #1139 (Undefined variables in closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch thanks! nCbW and nCbH should be inputs, however this …
20:35 Ticket #1152 (yL in eq. (938)) created by zhou
Should yL in equation (938) be replaced with yL(subscript)?
20:32 Ticket #1135 (A typo in section closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
20:31 Ticket #1126 (Typo in Derivation process for luma affine control point ...) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
20:28 Ticket #1123 (Equation 1540 for initialization process for context variables in ...) closed by bbross
fixed: This is fixed in JVET-S2001.
20:26 Ticket #1111 (Typo of CpbRemovalDelayDeltaMinus1 in C.2.3) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
20:25 Ticket #1107 (a typo in formula 152) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
20:20 Ticket #1090 (Incorrect description of a syntax element) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
20:14 Ticket #1140 (Mismatch between spec and VTM about context modeling for ...) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
20:13 Ticket #1087 (A typo in SPS syntax table) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
20:11 Ticket #855 (Bug in Table 131) closed by bbross
fixed: This will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7 with the adoption of JVET-S0215.
20:11 Ticket #754 (SW/Spec mismatch on tu_cbf_luma signalling) closed by bbross
fixed: This will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7 with the adoption of JVET-S0233.
20:10 Ticket #1146 (6.4.4 neighboring availability checking issues) closed by bbross
fixed: This will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
20:06 Ticket #1150 (Typo for presenceFlag in picture header syntax) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
20:04 Ticket #1133 (Wrong conditioning of sps_sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag in SPS) closed by bbross
fixed: This will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
20:01 Ticket #1110 (Wrong table references for RPR interpolation filters) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
19:59 Ticket #1151 (Issue in equation 1269 and 1270 of deblocking filter in the ...) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks, will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v7.
19:47 Ticket #1124 (Incomplete definition of local dual tree) closed by bbross
fixed: Fixed in JVET-S2001-v7 as agreed in the meeting.
19:43 Ticket #1116 (In of JVET-R2001.doc, whRatio should be set equal to ...) closed by bbross
fixed: Fixed in JVET-S2001-v7 as agreed in the meeting.
19:40 Ticket #902 (range of ph_cu_qp_delta_subdiv_intra/inter_slice) closed by bbross
worksforme: Nothing broken so action taken as agreed in the meeting.
19:30 Ticket #1067 (The discrepancies between PROF with affine AMVP and PROF with affine MERGE) closed by bbross
fixed: Fixed in JVET-S2001-v7 as agreed in the meeting.
19:22 Ticket #986 (The range for PaletteEscapeVal in semantics) closed by bbross
fixed: Fixed in JVET-S2001-v7 as agreed in the meeting.
13:34 Ticket #1045 (Bug in checking independent layer in JVET-P0101 multi-layer POC) closed by ksuehring
fixed: The MR was merged
06:05 Ticket #1151 (Issue in equation 1269 and 1270 of deblocking filter in the ...) created by chhuanb
There seems to be a bug in the derivaion of the number of deblocking …
02:13 Ticket #1069 (Issues in HRD related text) closed by yk
fixed: Thanks! Items 1 and 2 will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v6. Item 3 has …

29 Jun 2020:

19:40 Ticket #1070 (Issues in VPS syntax and semantics) closed by yk
fixed: Thanks! Item 1 has been fixed in an earlier version. For item 2, the …
19:26 Ticket #1149 (A mistake in equation 30) closed by yk
fixed: Good catch! Thanks! Will be corrected in JVET-S2001-v6.
19:08 Ticket #1118 (Inference rule for ph_poc_msb_cycle_present_flag) closed by yk
fixed: Thanks! Resolved by a noted action in response to S0239.
19:06 Ticket #1106 (A typo in section 8.3.3) closed by yk
fixed: Both points are good. Thanks! Will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v6.
19:02 Ticket #1105 (Incorrect note on IRAP picture) closed by yk
fixed: Thanks! Will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v6.
18:55 Ticket #1081 (An editorial bug in Note 6 under semantics of sps_num_ref_pic_lists[ i ]) closed by yk
fixed: Good catch. Thanks! Will be fixed in JVET-S2001-v6.
18:53 Ticket #1116 (In of JVET-R2001.doc, whRatio should be set equal to ...) reopened by bbross
18:47 Ticket #1035 (RPL constraint for RADL picture) closed by yk
fixed: Resolved at the May HLS AHG meeting.
18:24 Ticket #440 (Issue on cu_skip_flag) closed by bbross
18:23 Ticket #1116 (In of JVET-R2001.doc, whRatio should be set equal to ...) closed by deluxan
invalid: Since log2(W/H) = -log2(H/W), it is mathematically guaranteed that …
17:00 Ticket #1122 (sps_num_points_in_qp_table_minus1 upper range) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for reporting. This should be fixed and modified in …
16:24 Ticket #1082 (An editorial bug in semantics of rpl_idx[ i ]) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for reporting, this is fixed in D10 (JVET-S2001)
16:20 Ticket #1071 (Issue with no_tsrc_constraint_flag) closed by bbross
fixed: This is solved in D10 (JVET-S2001-v1) by the adoption of • JVET-S0073 …
16:06 Ticket #1010 (Spec and VTM mismatch on chroma QT split at picture boundary) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks so this is fixed in D9.
16:05 Ticket #1094 (Block Statistics not properly formatted as CSV when ...) closed by arthurcerveira
fixed: https://vcgit.hhi.fraunhofer.de/jvet/VVCSoftware_VTM/-/merge_requests/1660

28 Jun 2020:

17:15 Ticket #1150 (Typo for presenceFlag in picture header syntax) created by martin.m.pettersson
JVET-S2001-v3 has the following text in the picture header syntax: …

27 Jun 2020:

14:56 Ticket #1149 (A mistake in equation 30) created by jiechen
IN JVET-S2001-v3, equation (30) tileX = CtbToTileColBd[ …
04:14 Ticket #1148 (Multiple bugs in preceding IRAP, GDR pictures and subpictures) created by Vadim
1. In m_prevGDRInSameLayerPOC{ MAX_INT }, m_pocCRA{ MAX_INT } only the …

26 Jun 2020:

11:40 Ticket #1147 (Wrong compliance check for nuh_layer_id of filler data NAL unit ...) created by hbteo
The compliance check for value of nuh_layer_id of filler data NAL unit …
01:16 Ticket #1117 (VTM9.0 decoder crash when using debug mode) closed by ksuehring
fixed: The MR was merged

25 Jun 2020:

21:54 Ticket #1146 (6.4.4 neighboring availability checking issues) created by bbross
The following issues related to the neighboring availability process …
16:13 Ticket #1145 (Picture buffer padding with ref_wraparound and multiple subpictures) created by wzeng
JVET-R0184 was adopted to enable ref wraparound and subpictures with …
16:12 Ticket #1144 (Seg fault in several compliance check when RPL is sent and is not ...) created by forayr
When sps_idr_rpl_present_flag == 1, and num_ref_entries[][] != 0 on an …

24 Jun 2020:

21:16 Ticket #1143 (Wrong check for sh_slice_address when pps_rect_slice_flag is equal to 1) created by hbteo
Spec description: Otherwise (pps_rect_slice_flag is equal to 1), the …
20:45 Ticket #1142 (Missing "-1" in signalling of max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1) created by hbteo
An operation is missing in the below code. […] […] Should …
20:26 Ticket #1141 (Missing subtraction for sps_max_num_merge_cand_minus_max_num_gpm_cand) created by hbteo
Spec description: The value of …
17:30 Ticket #1140 (Mismatch between spec and VTM about context modeling for ...) created by Jun_bd
Problem statement: In spec S2001-v1 (Table 131 – Assignment of …
04:14 Ticket #1139 (Undefined variables in created by jason
In, the variables nCbW (coding block width) and nCbH (coding …
00:47 Ticket #1137 (Wrong range check for delta_chroma_offset_l0[ i ][ j ]) closed by hbteo
duplicate: Yes, you are right. Closed as duplicate of MR1670.

23 Jun 2020:

19:56 Ticket #1138 (Wrong range check for sps_num_subpics_minus1) created by hbteo
Spec description: sps_num_subpics_minus1 plus 1 specifies the number …
19:30 Ticket #1137 (Wrong range check for delta_chroma_offset_l0[ i ][ j ]) created by hbteo
Spec description: "The value of delta_chroma_offset_l0[ i ][ j ] shall …

22 Jun 2020:

17:18 Ticket #1136 (JVET-S0249 AHG3: Bugfix to LMCS with multiple slices in VTM-9.0 encoder) created by jongseoklee
The encoder repeatedly applies the forward LMCS function to the whole …
11:20 Ticket #1135 (A typo in section created by chiaming
In, cbHeightY should be replaced with cbHeight. coding_tree( …
02:18 Ticket #1056 (Typos in JVET-R2001-v8: and Table 51/126/131) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in the first version of D10.
02:15 Ticket #1057 (invAngle calculation issue) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! The division by 0 will be fixed in the first …
01:52 Ticket #1074 (Typo differenty) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This is fixed in vB of D9, ie. JVET-R2001-v11.
01:50 Ticket #1032 (Typo in Derivation process for IBC luma block vector prediction) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This is fixed in vB of D9, ie. JVET-R2001-v11.
01:49 Ticket #1040 (prediction unit) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed by replacing prediction unit …
01:44 Ticket #990 (Misleading definition of limited EGk binarization, leading to errors ...) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in the first version of D10.
01:36 Ticket #989 (Typo in semantics of run_copy_flag on palette mode) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in the first version of D10.
01:28 Ticket #975 (Typos in JVET-Q2001-vE) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catches, thanks! The remaining ones will be fixed in the first …
01:16 Ticket #974 (Incorrect shiftHor derivation of GEO) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for pointing that out. To align spec with SW, I actually …
01:05 Ticket #973 (Missing inputs when invoking process) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This is fixed in vB of D9, ie. JVET-R2001-v11.
00:48 Ticket #951 (Issue on intra_subpartitions_split_flag) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in the first version of D10.
00:47 Ticket #956 (Spec bug in the definition of the A0 saptial merge candidate) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in the first version of D10.
00:45 Ticket #946 (Minor editorial modification in 8.4.2.) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in the first version of D10.
00:40 Ticket #1091 (Unnecessary description of default behavior) closed by bbross
duplicate: Closed as duplicate of #951.
00:33 Ticket #939 (Incorrect ctxIdx value of residual syntaces in 9.3.) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in the first version of D10 …

21 Jun 2020:

23:36 Ticket #933 (Typo of par_level_flag in closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in the first version of D10.
23:34 Ticket #920 (Redundancy processing on qPY_PREV derivation) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! The redundancy was carried-over from HEVC when …
19:29 Ticket #895 (Possible issue in syntax of transform_tree) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! Both will be fixed in the first version of D10.
19:16 Ticket #887 (SW/Spec mismatch on CclmEnable) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for reporting and confirming! This will be fixed as suggested …
18:47 Ticket #857 (Mismatch between spec and VTM in derivation of coding sub-block boundaries) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for reporting and discussing the issue. It seems that no action …
01:57 Ticket #1131 (Different font size used in closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first version of D10.
01:55 Ticket #1130 (Missing/Unnecessary initValue/shiftIdx for ctxIdx in closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first version of D10.
01:47 Ticket #1129 (Typo in General constraint information semantics) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first version of D10.
01:39 Ticket #1128 (Typo of variable in scaling list data semantics) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first version of D10.
01:37 Ticket #1127 (Missing closing brace in residual_ts_coding() in closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first version of D10.
01:33 Ticket #566 (Text simplification of pred_mode_plt_flag siganlling) closed by bbross
worksforme: Thanks for suggesting the simplification. However this parts changed …
01:20 Ticket #766 (Minor editorial issue) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for reporting. The first one was changed to not include …
01:13 Ticket #839 (Typo in equation 1226 (Residual modification process)) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for bringing this up. This is fixed in D9.
00:35 Ticket #847 (Typo of signaling condition for chroma intra prediction mode ...) closed by bbross
00:32 Ticket #849 (Geo Prediction Mode - Mismatch between text and SW) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first version of D10.
00:24 Ticket #854 (Wrong close brace place in residual_ts_coding()) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first version of D10.
00:20 Ticket #636 (Editorial modifications from JVET-P0626 create reference to undefined value) closed by bbross
00:02 Ticket #859 (JVET-Q0089 - TS residual coding disabled with dependent quantization) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for bringing that up. This is fixed in D9 by the adoption of …

20 Jun 2020:

23:55 Ticket #900 (SW and SW mismatch on parsing condition of lfnst_idx) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for bringing that up. This has been fixed in D9 by the …
23:52 Ticket #901 (Typo in ACT inverse conversion) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for reporting, this is fixed in D9.
23:49 Ticket #923 (Editorial modification: GEO size constraint on 8x64/64x8) closed by bbross
23:43 Ticket #925 (confusing range of sps_log2_diff_min_qt_min_cb_intra_slice_chroma and ...) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for brining that up. This is fixed in D9 by the adoption of …
23:38 Ticket #926 (JEVT-Q0505: Scaling list prediction from non-existent chroma lists) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for bringing that up. This is fixed in VVC D9 by the adoption …
23:35 Ticket #936 (Mismatch between SW and spec on context initialization) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
23:33 Ticket #938 (HMVP candidate indexing bug in and closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10 but …
23:27 Ticket #942 (refWraparoundEnabledFlag miss-aligned between inputs of and ...) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This is fixed in vB of D9, i.e. JVET-R2001-v11.
23:19 Ticket #1027 (SW/text mismatch on sample clipping in LMCS) closed by bbross
worksforme: Thanks for reporting! This seems to be purely editorial and will be …
22:57 Ticket #1076 (Mismatch between spec and VTM on assignment of ctxInc to amvr_precision_idx) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
20:29 Ticket #1134 (Wrong conditioning of sps_sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag in SPS) created by bbross
In SPS, the SDH flag is parsed conditioned on the DQ flag. […] If …
20:28 Ticket #1133 (Wrong conditioning of sps_sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag in SPS) created by bbross
In SPS, the SDH flag is parsed conditioned on the DQ flag. […] If …
20:19 Ticket #796 (Bug in down-sampled collocated luma samples derivation in CCLM) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This is fixed in vB of D9, ie. JVET-R2001-v11.
18:27 Ticket #1132 (ILRP in case of vps_max_tid_il_ref_pics_plus1[ i ][ j ] equal to 0) created by ochubach
From the syntax semantics of vps_max_tid_il_ref_pics_plus1[ i ][ j ]: …
17:49 Ticket #1131 (Different font size used in created by siwamura
In sps_affine_amvr_enabled_flag semantics, different font size …
17:42 Ticket #1130 (Missing/Unnecessary initValue/shiftIdx for ctxIdx in created by siwamura
For Table 52, initValue and shiftIdx of alf_ctb_flag for …
17:29 Ticket #1129 (Typo in General constraint information semantics) created by siwamura
There is a description of gci_alignment_zero_bits semantics in …
17:22 Ticket #1128 (Typo of variable in scaling list data semantics) created by siwamura
In the description of scaling_list_dc_coef semantics, there may be a …
17:15 Ticket #1127 (Missing closing brace in residual_ts_coding() in created by siwamura
There might be missing closing brace for if statement before parsing …
17:15 Ticket #1022 (Unused filter in CCLM) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This is fixed in vB of D9, ie. JVET-R2001-v11.
17:15 Ticket #1002 (Wrong upper bounds of numTopRight and numLeftBelow in ...) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This is fixed in vB of D9, ie. JVET-R2001-v11.
17:00 Ticket #998 (Typos in the derivation of neighbouring luma samples of CCLM) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This is fixed in vB of D9, ie. JVET-R2001-v11.
17:00 Ticket #1011 (Mismatch on top/left neighbouring luma samples padding in CCLM) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This is fixed in vB of D9, ie. JVET-R2001-v11.
16:59 Ticket #1012 (Mismatch on the selected neighbouring sample list in CCLM) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This is fixed in vB of D9, ie. JVET-R2001-v11.
16:13 Ticket #1126 (Typo in Derivation process for luma affine control point ...) created by Tomohiro Ikai Derivation process for luma affine control point motion vector …
01:36 Ticket #1125 (Wrong syntax name in semantics) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
01:34 Ticket #1099 ( Typo in value of yNbA0) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
01:32 Ticket #865 (Typos and variable fixes in palette related text) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
01:26 Ticket #858 (Missing close brace and conditions in palette_coding ()) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
01:23 Ticket #962 (Typo in closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
01:23 Ticket #1125 (Wrong syntax name in semantics) created by sachind
The following fix (wrong syntax name in semantics) is needed in the …
01:19 Ticket #963 (Typo in closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
01:17 Ticket #969 (Typo in closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
01:15 Ticket #976 (A bug about IBC virtual buffer) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
01:14 Ticket #985 (Typo in palette coding syntax ( closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.

19 Jun 2020:

23:45 Ticket #994 (typo in the parsing condition for tu_cb_coded_flag related to SBT) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
23:25 Ticket #1098 (bug in DMVR bounding box calculation) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
23:07 Ticket #1066 (Mismatch between spec and VTM in derivation process of ctxInc for the ...) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
23:02 Ticket #1079 (Typo in derivation process of ctxInc for coeff_sign_flag) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
23:00 Ticket #997 (Calling of arguments in clause closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
22:01 Ticket #1075 (Typo in equation numbering for closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in first verison of D10.
05:26 Ticket #1124 (Incomplete definition of local dual tree) created by ZhipinDeng
In JVET-R2001_vA, the definition of local dual tree is incomplete, …

18 Jun 2020:

03:48 Ticket #1123 (Equation 1540 for initialization process for context variables in ...) created by T.Hashimoto
In Initialization process for context variables (section …

17 Jun 2020:

11:22 Ticket #1122 (sps_num_points_in_qp_table_minus1 upper range) created by delagrangep
Should be 62 + QpBdOffset instead of 63 + QpBdOffset (see JVET-Q0420). …
10:38 Ticket #1121 (Typo in equations in C.24 and C.25 of C.7 Subpicture sub-bitstream ...) created by e.thomas
Wrong placement of parenthesis in C.24 and C.25 (C.24) …
10:07 Ticket #1120 (Fix condition for TMVP) closed by pierrick.bouvier
09:29 Ticket #1120 (Fix condition for TMVP) created by pierrick.bouvier
In function PU::getInterMergeCandidates (UnitTools.cpp), in part …

16 Jun 2020:

15:00 Milestone VTM-9.1 completed

15 Jun 2020:

11:42 Ticket #1119 (Undefined HRD syntax elements and variables) created by vdrugeon
In Annex C, it seems that some syntax elements and variables are …

12 Jun 2020:

20:40 Ticket #1115 (checkRPL() fetches incorrect inter-layer refrence pictures (related to ...) closed by ksuehring
fixed: The MR was merged
18:54 Ticket #1042 (JVET-P0978 RPL constraint checks fail) closed by ksuehring
duplicate: Closed as duplicate of #1109.
18:54 Ticket #1108 (Constraints failing in multi-layer coding (related to JVET-R0099)) closed by ksuehring
fixed: The MR was merged.
18:53 Ticket #1109 (Constraints failing in multi-layer coding (related to JVET-P0978)) closed by ksuehring
fixed: The MR was merged
07:49 Ticket #1118 (Inference rule for ph_poc_msb_cycle_present_flag) created by naeri.park
According to clause 8.3.1, ph_poc_msb_cycle_present_flag is used on …
07:09 Ticket #1117 (VTM9.0 decoder crash when using debug mode) created by chiaming
When using the following encoding options, even with the bugfix in …

11 Jun 2020:

08:05 Ticket #1116 (In of JVET-R2001.doc, whRatio should be set equal to ...) created by annci
In of JVET-R2001.doc: if all of the following conditions are …
08:01 Ticket #1115 (checkRPL() fetches incorrect inter-layer refrence pictures (related to ...) created by ZhipinDeng
In the function checkRPL(), the reference pictures are derived without …

10 Jun 2020:

18:19 Ticket #1114 (Address the editor's note on 4x4 affine MC for chroma components.) created by zhangkai
There is an editor's note in of JVET-R2001-v10. [Ed. (BB): …
16:12 Ticket #1113 (Compliance check issue after decoding skipped RASL) created by forayr
After decoding a RASL which is skipped, vtm decoder might bring out …
10:56 Ticket #1005 (Rectangular slice map – CTU map in wrong order.) closed by ksuehring

9 Jun 2020:

22:13 Ticket #1112 (Decoder crashes when encountering an VPS repetition) closed by ksuehring
fixed: The MR was merged.
21:41 Ticket #1112 (Decoder crashes when encountering an VPS repetition) created by ksuehring
When encoding two IDR periods with VPS enabled (e.g. multi-layer …
05:09 Ticket #1111 (Typo of CpbRemovalDelayDeltaMinus1 in C.2.3) created by abe.kiyo
CpbRemovalDelayDeltaMinus1 in C.2.3 should be …

8 Jun 2020:

22:55 Ticket #1110 (Wrong table references for RPR interpolation filters) created by jonatan
Section (Luma sample interpolation filtering process) …
18:26 Ticket #1109 (Constraints failing in multi-layer coding (related to JVET-P0978)) created by ksuehring
After disabling JVET-R0099 (see #1108) the decoder fails to decode a …
18:21 Ticket #1108 (Constraints failing in multi-layer coding (related to JVET-R0099)) created by ksuehring
With the integration of JVET-R0099 VPS syntax was changed, but the …
15:51 Ticket #1097 (Mismatch spec/VTM in PDPC process ( closed by audrey.turquin
invalid: Actually, this is related to software implementation only. This is to …
14:53 Ticket #1107 (a typo in formula 152) created by jiechen
In the latest spec (JVET-R2001-vA or JVET-S0152-v5), the variable …
14:48 Ticket #1106 (A typo in section 8.3.3) created by jiechen
In the section 8.3.3 of the latest spec (JVET-R2001-vA or …
14:39 Ticket #1105 (Incorrect note on IRAP picture) created by jiechen
In the lastest spec (JVET-R2001 or JVET-S0152-v5), in note1 under the …

6 Jun 2020:

07:31 Ticket #993 (Spec and VTM s/w mismatch on clipping residual bit-depth of IACT) closed by xyxiu
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.