Custom query (37 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#88 Bug in setMaxMinDepth() in VTM and BMS defect minor VTM-3.0 BMS
#186 same picture check in HMVP mismatch with software defect minor 360Lib
#198 Decoder crash when disabling dependent quantization defect minor VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#240 Fix the rate control with WCG_EXT defect minor VTM
#241 Wrong CABAC bin type classification when RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS is enabled defect minor VTM-5.0 VTM
#242 Wrong CABAC bin type classification when RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS is enabled defect minor VTM-5.0 VTM
#243 Wrong CABAC bin type classification when RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS is enabled defect minor VTM-5.0 VTM
#325 Redundant syntax parsing related to IBC restriction for 128x128 blocks defect minor spec
#327 Decoder crash when disable AMVR for IBC mode defect minor VTM
#329 Mismtach with spec on sub-block temporal merging candidate defect minor VVC D5 v9 spec
#480 Inference rule for pred_mode_ibc_flag correction defect minor spec
#515 typo on PDPC condition defect minor spec
#547 Uncorrect pruning in derivation of spatial merging candidate defect minor spec
#595 Possible unclarity for the half sample interpolation filter index hpelIfIdx of some merge candidates defect minor spec
#675 Typo in partition_constraint_override_flag should be coded. defect minor spec
#695 1st PTL cannot refer to 0th PTL's profile/tier/general constraints when pt_present_flag[1] is equal to 0 defect minor spec
#696 1st PTL cannot refer to 0th PTL's profile/tier/general constraints when pt_present_flag[1] is equal to 0 defect minor 360Lib
#714 Problem with lossless defect minor VTM
#718 Checking BdpcmFlag when enabling PDPC defect minor spec
#846 Stains in the film defect minor VTM
#872 Mismatch between spec and VTM in colour space conversion defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#879 Typo for scaling list control in the slice_header( ) defect minor VVC D7 vC spec
#885 Typo in slice header syntax defect minor spec
#897 Typos in deriving tc for chroma defect minor spec
#952 alf_ctb_flag[][][] array index bug in defect minor spec
#1086 miss "else" in function transform_tree() defect minor spec
#1091 Unnecessary description of default behavior defect minor spec
#1137 Wrong range check for delta_chroma_offset_l0[ i ][ j ] defect minor VTM
#1142 Missing "-1" in signalling of max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1 defect minor VTM
#1178 Recent change to Slice::checkRPL broke decoder defect minor VTM
#1297 Last rectangular slice in frame is not always locate in bottom right corner enhancement minor VTM
#1425 Temporal id check fails defect minor VTM
#1553 Decoder accesses deleted SPS decoding Multilayer stream defect minor VTM
#91 Encoding with DQP is broken defect major BMS
#469 multiple slice mode does not in VTM6.0 defect major VTM
#787 Enc/Dec mismatch for RPR with 1.5x defect major VTM-7.2 VTM
#1042 JVET-P0978 RPL constraint checks fail defect major VTM
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